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[原創] 一部電腦十開方法

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本帖最後由 saxon 於 2010-4-10 12:01 AM 編輯

Statement :

 .This tutorial is made by me as a guide for all respected
  registered users in this forum.
 .The following tutorial might enhance our knowledge and also as a reference
  for all of us.
 .I neither asking users of this forum nor supporting them to use my tutorials
  for gaming purpose and as the result, I will not hold any responsibility on this issue.
 .No third-party programs will be used, so it will not against the laws.
 .It doesn't use any bugs of this game in my tutorial.
 .240 hours had been given for users to made negative comments before this tutorial
  had been made but no strong comments were given either.
 .This tutorial is only privileges for tennyy forum's member.
 .There will be none of my business against the reports regarding to this tutorial
  as I had discontinued playing this game.
 .I am not given for rewards by posting such tutorial
 .This tutorial is copyright to me(zex99x) and tennyy forum, other websites or
  forum may not perform illegal copies, please kindly visit tennyy forum for seeking information.
 .Without my permission, please don’t either edit or forward this tutorial.

 .Please dont forward!

Terms and Agreements :

 .Users will held all the responsible for their computer's software
  or hardware damages which might caused by my tutorial.
 .Users held their responsible for national laws for their works.
 .No responsibility will be held by me for companies and user complaints.
 .User held their responsibility from the moment they viewed this tutorial.
 .I have rights to modify my post include terms and agreements, statement etc.


 .本人為本論壇所有會員提供此方法, 目的是告訴大家此方法, 作為大家參考的資料,
 .本人為本論壇所有會員提供此方法, 但無給予鼓勵, 要求, 甚至要大家去用在遊戲方面,
 .此方法無依靠第三方軟件, 無修改程式, 無外掛, 因此無觸法該遊戲法律條文.
 .在發這個方法, 本人足足給了10天時間本論壇會員給出足夠抗議的理由,
 .本人已經不再玩此遊戲, 任和有關此遊戲的報告等與本人無關.
 .本人發此方法, 不為一分錢而發.
 .所有版權歸本人(zex99x)和tennyy論壇所有, 其他網站/使用者一律不得轉載,
 .此資料未經過本人同意, 請勿擅自修改, 轉貼.


 協議與條件 :

 .對於使用此方法導致電腦配件發生故障, 使用者必須親自付完所有責任.
 .若使用者使用此方法在於不合法的地方, 使用者需承擔所有法律責任.

 .本人絕對有權利對本帖子作出修改, 包括協議與條件, 聲明等.


 硬件搭配效果 : (至少 | 最高-電腦極限)
  1G RAM (sigle 1G or 512mb on dual channel) : 雙開 | 三開
  1.5G RAM (single mode) : 三開 | 五開
  2G RAM (1G dual channel) : 五開 | 七開
  3G RAM (single channel or 4x 1GB RAM on dual channel/XP 32bit x86) : 十開 | 十三開
  4G RAM(64 bits XP) : 十五以上 | 二十開
  OC'ed 4G RAM(XP x64) : 二十以上

  OC'ed 8G RAM(Only for XP x64) : 五十以上

 硬件搭配效果 : (至少 | 最高-電腦極限)
  全部官方驅動器Ati Graphic Cards : 雙開 | 三開
  經過使用第三方驅動器的高性能Ati Graphic Cards : 雙開 | 四十開
  低Nvidia Graphic Cards : 雙開 | 四開
  中Nvidia Graphic Cards : 雙開 | 十五開
  高Nvidia Graphic Cards : 雙開 | 三十開

 硬件搭配效果 :(至少 | 最高-電腦極限)
  單核心 : 雙開
  雙核心 2.0ghz : 雙開 | 十五開
  雙核心 3.0ghz : 雙開 | 三十開
  四核心 2.0ghz : 雙開 | 二十五開

  八核心 : -infinite

 顯示卡 :
  低 7300GT, 7600GS, 8600GS 或以下
  中 7600GTS, 8600GTS, 8800GS 或以下
  高 7950GT, 8800GT, 9600GT 或以上

  目前最高 8800 ULTRA, ATI 3870x2, 9800GX2

 搭配計算方法例子 :
  2G RAM : 五開 | 七開
  中Nvidia Graphic Cards : 雙開 | 十五開
  雙核心 2.0ghz : 雙開 | 十五開
  計算結果 :  五開 | 七開
  結論 : 這部電腦最低可以五開至七開


 該部進行十開的電腦 :
  OS (系統) : Windows XP x86 32 bits SP2
  CPU (中央处理器) : AMD Dual Core 3800+ x2 2.20GHz(OC'ed 超频)
  Motherboard (母板) : Abit KN9S
  RAM (內存) : Kingston 1GB DDR2 667MHz(4x - 2x Dual channel 732.600MHz OC'ed 超频)
  Graphic Card (顯示卡) : Inno3D 7600GT 256mb GDDR3 (540MHz / 700MHz)
  Hard Disk (硬碟) : Hitachi 7200RPM 160GB SATAII
  Power Supply Unit (電源供應器) : Cooler Master Extreme Power 430 (V2.0) RS-430-PCAR

 成功十開的效果 : 放大圖片

 樓主| 發表於 2008-3-6 21:13:16 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 saxon 於 2010-4-9 11:49 PM 編輯

[Part 1 - Preparation]

It’s recommended to acquired good computer skills
Shall never follow my tutorial if you don’t own related knowledge, expertise were required


OS Requirement (系統需求) :
  1). Windows XP 32 bits x86 SP2
  2). Windows XP 64 bits x64 SP2

Hardware Requirement (配件需求) :
  1). Motherboard with Nvidia Chipset (擁有Nvidia芯片的母板)
  2). A basic Dual-Core based CPU (至少擁有雙核心運作的主機)
  3). GPU with Nvidia branded (Nvidia牌子顯示卡)
  4). 10GB and onwards IDE/ SATA I/ SATAII HDD space (擁有尚未使用的10GB或以上空間
  4). 的IDE/SATA I/SATA II硬碟)
  5). Good CPU air-flow (電腦擁有良好通風系統)
  6). Good PSU and stable electric current (良好穩定電壓)

Software Required (軟件需求) :
  1). Fraps

Drivers Requirement (驅動器需求) :
  1). Latest Nvidia NForce
  2). Latest Nvidia Forceware
  3). AMD dual-core optimizer (AMD64 X2 only / Win XP 32bits x86 SP2)

References :
  Nvidia official Website(Nvidia官網) : Follow this link
  Nvidia NForce and Forceware download area(NForce和Forceware下載區) : Follow this link
  Fraps official websites(Fraps官網) : Follow this link
  Fraps latest version download link(Fraps最新程式下載點) : Download Now!
  AMD official website(AMD官網) : Follow this link
  AMD dual core optimizer(AMD雙核心補丁下載點) : Download Now!

Installation Guide :
Nvidia NForce :Follow this link
  Selecting NForce
  Make sure your NForce is supported or exactly matched for your motherboard requirements
  Choosing links for downloading
  Accept the license agreement
  Save the file
Nvidia Forceware :Follow this link
  Choose your GPU Forceware
  Accept the agreement and start download
  Save the file

[ 本帖最後由 zex99x 於 2008-3-8 01:27 AM 編輯 ]

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 樓主| 發表於 2008-3-6 21:13:59 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 saxon 於 2010-4-9 11:51 PM 編輯

[Part 2 - Computer Performance and Game Client Setup]

It’s recommended to acquired good computer skills
Shall never follow my tutorial if you don’t own related knowledge, expertise were required


Notes for this part (重要事項) :
  1). Increase the virtual memory of windows 2000/XP/2003 is ideal
    for insufficient physical RAM
    (内存不足的電腦,增強windows 2000/XP/2003虚拟内存是最好的選擇)
  2). Virtual RAM is also called as pagefile
  3). Virtual RAM using Hard Disk Drive as the resource for the pagefile
  4). Even physical RAM is 4GB, increasing pagefile value for opening 10 windows ID
    to operate 108Online is required
    (就算電腦内存已達到4GB, 虛擬頁面文件功能也依然需要開啟)
  5). To see your machine's pagefile activity, you can view through "Task Manager"
    in Performance tab [CTRL+ALT+DEL]
    (使用任务管理工具查看虛擬頁面文件的運作) [CTRL+ALT+DEL]
  6). Changing the value of your pagefile needs to be caution
  7). Make sure there are enaugh space in your hard disk for pagefile usage
  8). Minimum and maximum virtual RAM value must be set higher then your physical RAM

Managing the virtual RAM value (虛擬內存值參考) :
  First of all, you need to investigate available spaces on your pimary drive.

   Hard Disk Space Requirement : Initial(MB) | Maximum(MB) | Your computer physical RAM
   硬碟空間需要 : 最少(MB) | 最多(MB) | 電腦的內存
    16GB : 4608 | 8192 | 3.0GB / 3.5GB / 4.0GB (Can hold 15 IDs to 30 IDs)
    10GB : 3072 | 4608 | 2.5GB  
    9GB : 2560 | 4096 | 2.0GB (Can hold 10 IDs to 20 IDs)
    8GB : 2048 | 3584 | 1.5GB
    6GB : 1500 | 3000 | 1.0GB (Can Hold 5 IDs to 10 IDs)
    3GB : 768 | 1536 | 512MB

About 108Online.bin to 108Online.exe (關于程式名的更改) :
  1). 108Online.bin is not suitable for nVidia graphic custom settings
    (默認的108Online.bin 是不適合使用在nVidia 驅動器的圖像更改)
  2). 108Online.exe will be replaced for perfect solution
    (108Online.exe 程式名字的更改能夠解決問題)
  3). 108Online.exe will enable us to fast lauching the game without updating

Featuring Guide (教學):
Computer Performance
  Right Click on "My Computer" then select "Propertise"
  右點"My Computer"然後選擇"propertise"
  Click the "Advanced" tab and select "Settings" for performance menu
  Click the "Advanced" tab
  Change the virtual memory settings
  Write the suitable value size for your system requirements (refer to my guide)
  寫入適合的數值 (根據我寫出的教學)
  Apply the settings
  Restart your PC

Game Client Setup
  Update game client to ensure u running the latest version
  After update, exit the game
  Locate the game installation directory
  Copy 108Online.bin
  Paste it in the same directory
  Rename Copy of 108Online.bin
  Rename to 108Online.exe
  Do correctly and you will see this

[ 本帖最後由 zex99x 於 2008-3-30 11:16 PM 編輯 ]

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 樓主| 發表於 2008-3-6 21:14:52 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 saxon 於 2010-4-9 11:58 PM 編輯

[Part 3 - Nvidia Display Driver Configuration and User Account Creation]

It’s recommended to acquired good computer skills
Shall never follow my tutorial if you don’t own related knowledge, expertise were required


Notes for this part (重要事項) :

Nvidia graphic settings for 108Online (顯示卡設定參考) :
  Settings below shows lowest configuration which suits for all type of graphic cards.

  You may change some settings if you understand the functions to get better image quality.

  Anisotropic filtering - Off
  Antialiasing - Gamma correction Off
  Antialiasing - Setting None
  Antialiasing - Transparency Off
  Conformant texture clamp - Use hardware
  Error reporting - Off
  Extension limit - Off
  Force mipmaps - None
  Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration - Single display performance mode
  Stereo - Display mode - Use vertical interlace monitor
  Texture filtering - Anisotropic mip filter optimization substitutes point - On
  Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization - On
  Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias - Clamp
  Texture filtering - Quality - Quality
  Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization - On
  Threaded optimization - Off
  Triple buffering - On
  Vertical sync - Force on

Featuring Guide (教學):

Nvidia Display Driver Configuration
  Click "Start" and goto "Control Panel"
  點"Start"然後去"Control Panel"
  Switch to classic view
  更換去"Classic View"
  Click the "NVIDIA Control Panel"
  點"NVIDIA Control Panel"
  From the left panel, select "Manage 3D Setting"
  在左邊的框選擇"Manage 3D Setting"
  From the right panel, click on "Program Settings" and click "add"
  在右邊的框點"Program Settings"然後選"add"
  Find your previously created "108Online.exe" and "open" it
  Select "108Online.exe" and custom edit the graphic settings according to the reference i provided
  Apply the settings to save the configurations

User Account Creation
  Click Start and goto "Control Panel"
  點"Start"然後去"Control Panel"
  Click the "User Accounts"
  點"User Accounts"
  Create a new account
  Write your desire name
  Ensure "administrator" is selected and proceed creating account
  Example of multi user had been created
  Make sure u reboot your pc

[ 本帖最後由 zex99x 於 2008-5-9 01:27 PM 編輯 ]

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 樓主| 發表於 2008-3-6 21:15:36 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 saxon 於 2010-4-9 11:56 PM 編輯

[Part 4 - Launching Multi User And Fast User Switching]

It’s recommended to acquired good computer skills
Shall never follow my tutorial if you don’t own related knowledge, expertise were required


Notes for this part (重要事項) :

Featuring Guide (教學):
Launching Multi User
  Select the user u wish for multi-user operating mode
  Wait for loading
  After the selected user fully loaded, launch the task manager "CTRL+ALT+DEL"
  Goto "user" tab and "maximize" the window
  Goto "Start"
  Select Log Off
  Select "Switch User"
  Redo the steps above to open all the users u need

Fast User Switching
  From "Windows Task Manager" at "user" tab, right-click on a user u wish to switch

[ 本帖最後由 zex99x 於 2008-5-6 01:28 PM 編輯 ]

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 樓主| 發表於 2008-3-6 21:17:02 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 saxon 於 2010-4-9 11:57 PM 編輯

[Part 5 - Graphic FPS, Fast Game Client Launching Speed, Client Configuration, Starting Multi User, Fast User Log Off]

It’s recommended to acquired good computer skills
Shall never follow my tutorial if you don’t own related knowledge, expertise were required


Notes for this part (重要事項) :

Featuring Guide (教學):

Graphic FPS
  Launch the "Fraps" program
  Minimize it

Fast Game Client Launching Speed
  Send "108Online.exe" to desktop for creating a shortcut
  Go to Desktop and "cut" it
  Paste at "All Users" in Desktop directory
  This is the result
  Rename it into "108Online"
  Go to Desktop and you will see this on all users

Client Configuration
  Launch the game using "108Online" icon from desktop
  The number "60" shows your game speed, goto option
  Ensure it is 800x600, OpenGL, 16BIT. DO NOT use vertical sync from there, then click "Apply"
  Turn off the all audio off, then click "Apply"
  Make sure all visual effects had meet the lowest setting, then click "Apply"
  After that, exit the client

Starting Multi User
  Re-open the game and log in untill you reach character selection screen
  Ensure your Windows Task Manager is maximized, DO NOT minimize the game, then click on Windows Task Manager
  Goto "user" tab
  Right-click another user u wish to open the game and connect it
  SFrom here, go to performance tab
  Ensure your CPU usage is not 100%
  Goto Desktop and re-open the game again
  Log in as usual untill u reach character selection screen
  After that ensure game is not minimized and task manager is maximized
  Then switch to another user again
  Go to performance tab and ensure it is not 100% CPU usage
  Redo the steps above to open all the users u need (Ensure game is not minimized and task manager is maximized)

Fast User Log Off
  From "Windows Task Manager" at "user" tab, right-click on a user u wish to Log Off

[ 本帖最後由 zex99x 於 2008-5-6 02:17 PM 編輯 ]

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 樓主| 發表於 2008-3-6 21:17:50 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 saxon 於 2010-4-9 11:56 PM 編輯

[Part 6 - FAQ]

問題 : FPS 到底是甚麼
解答 : 每秒傳輸幀數(每秒畫面更新數量)
解答 : 一般Vsync是保持在60,75,80的數目. 速度方面15普通,30順暢,45最順暢,60以上無法以肉眼看到分別

問題 : 為何電腦會出現藍屏死機(Blue Screen of Death).
解答 : 硬件過熱,主要是硬碟,顯示卡,RAM 和CPU 又或電源不足所導致.
解決 : 在換視窗的同時確保"windows task manager"在前面而遊戲在背後並且不要將之最小化.

問題 : 為何開不到遊戲,顯示遊戲程式已經過舊需要更新等
解答 : 因為您使用的108Online.exe 不會自動更新
解決 : 把目前的108Online.exe 刪除,再使用普通的遊戲程式更新遊戲, 更新後從新拷貝108Online.dat

問題 : 為何更換別的用戶發現遊戲整個變成白銀幕
解答 : 若使用目前的用戶太久,別的用戶就跟不上速度而更新不了畫面
解決 : 一小時更換用戶組一次,更換的時間多過10秒就行

問題 : 在別的用戶遊戲變成白銀幕時,遊戲會不會中斷
解答 : 看情況,一般上遊戲會繼續進行,只是畫面不會再更新
解決 : 一小時更換用戶組一次,更換的時間多過10秒就行

[ 本帖最後由 zex99x 於 2008-5-9 03:48 PM 編輯 ]

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[ 本帖最後由 andyhidy 於 2008-3-10 01:16 PM 編輯 ]


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