個ar sir 冇教過就叫我地做project(好死唔死仲計考試分...)
What are the compositions of the following alloys?
[brass and copper, steel and iron, solder and tin, coinage metals and nickel, carat gold and pure gold]
brass = 銅+鋅 copper=銅
steel and iron =鐵+鋼
solder and tin = 銲+錫
coinage metals and nickel = 鎳
carat gold and pure gold = 前面果個唔知咩金 後面一定係純金= =
coinage metals即係硬幣金屬 有好多金屬都得嫁bo= =你上百度慢慢搵啦- -
brass = 銅+鋅 copper=銅
steel and iron =鐵+鉻+鎳+鋁
solder and tin = 鉛+錫
coinage metals and nickel = 唔鬼記得
carat gold and pure gold = 金
brass = 銅+鋅 copper=銅
steel and iron =鐵+鋼
solder and tin = 銲+錫
coinage metals and nickel = 鎳
( 天呀~唔通我堂堂一代英傑要葬命於chem /_\ )