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Skill point needed.

發表於 2007-6-4 20:44:32 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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Hi Tenny, I was thinking if you can write out each point needed for every skill (from beginner to 2 turn). I think it will really helps the players to calculate their skill point. At least they won't simply put their point in that skill if they realize that they will lack of sp in the future.

Since I can't find related information regarding to skill point needed for each. Therefore i was hoping you could do me and the wmo players favor.  

I came from Malaysia WMO english server. :05:
發表於 2007-6-4 21:16:06 | 顯示全部樓層
yah tenny if can pls do it.  it will really help all player to count how many point they ned to learn skilll

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發表於 2007-6-4 21:34:48 | 顯示全部樓層
其實我都不多玩這個遊戲, 我只是綜合各人的意見或經驗來建立我的網站.

況且我都不是每一個職業都有玩過, 根本不可能知道其他職的技點分配.

如果各位會員可以分享一下自己職業的屬性、技點分配或裝備建議, 那麼我盡量都會加落網站內.

最後都要說一聲, 我不是開發, 我不是GM, 我只是一個普通的玩家, 很多要求都未必能夠給大家一個滿意的答案.

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 樓主| 發表於 2007-6-5 01:53:04 | 顯示全部樓層
Because i found out that 希望国度 is the best website better than other official website (in terms of information, forum etc). Of coz, we wont force you to do everything. We will also trying our best to contribute on this website and forum.

Thanks :05: :13:

Long live Water Margin

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發表於 2007-6-5 10:17:41 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #4 strikerx 的帖子

看到你打的字, 我就想起蜘蛛俠中的一句 :『能力愈大,責任愈大』.


PS. 這些英文真是容易明白, 不要學其他大馬地區的人用些拼音, 這樣我真是不明白.

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