無聊的發現 - 老公開緊紅
:80: 老公開緊生死狀, 老婆飛去老公度, 老婆都會開埋個生死狀......:79::86: 無聊一問:如果兩公婆唔同幫會...咁會唔會殺倒對方 canot de
回復 #1 cat001 的帖子
我諗係視乎飛去果度係咩地方掛.會唔會飛左去果個地方係強制開紅? THX FOR SHARING 原帖由 Tenny 於 2007/6/1 02:26 PM 發表 http://www.tennyy.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
我可以答你:唔係....我老公果時o係大草/關西..我一飛過去老公度..連我都自動開了紅...解左紅再飛...又變番紅..唉..前前後後浪費左我 4萬幾蚊呀:88:
[ 本帖最後由 cat001 於 2007-6-2 03:34 AM 編輯 ] :77:我飛我了我老公wait wo lao gong ope red name :76:
... wo fly wo lao gong wo lao gong open red name ... 原帖由 pindy123 於 2007/6/1 09:18 PM 發表 http://www.tennyy.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
:77:我飛我了我老公wait wo lao gong ope red name :76:
... wo fly wo lao gong wo lao gong open red name ... :67: 你想說甚麼 me also cant understand:09: pls say crealy can? 我試過飛去霍武度,佢紅左,我都紅埋- -"""
跟住佢用把劍捅我1野=______=差d死=.= 原帖由 ngoichantong 於 2007/6/2 05:40 AM 發表 http://www.tennyy.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
me also cant understand:09: pls say crealy can?
One discovery and one question:
1. When husband in PK mode, wife fly to husband's place, wife will auto turn to PK mode (i.e. red name)
2. If wife and husband are not in the same gang, can they kill each other?