:11: 太尉用扇定御醫用扇 ﹖﹖﹖ 吾該話被我知 they 2 also use pen class weapon.this information me get from machi cnx maganize from malaysia server out de magazine OIC~! Thx u alot~~~ =.= i felt quite confuse coz last time tenny put (tai wei) use pen after a few weeks, it changes to (tai wei) use
fan. So now, i duno whether wanted to make a bai hu fan or a bai hu pen. oh
i,m think that game de gm will change de later.
cause no class use 扇. then ppl that maker bai hu 扇de will wate money make only loh:13: 如果御醫用扇就好囉....^^
[ 本帖最後由 聽•雨•軒boss 於 2007-5-22 01:51 PM 編輯 ] they 2 also use pen class weapon.
this information me get from machi cnx maganize from malaysia server out de magazine
可5可以穩人翻譯下=_=""我亂晒= =
[ 本帖最後由 聽•雨•軒boss 於 2007-5-22 01:52 PM 編輯 ]
回復 #6 聽•雨•軒boss 的帖子
佢話由大馬本雜誌得返黎既資料話2個職都係用筆.回復 #7 Tenny 的帖子
大馬d料準5準架.....-口-""""""thx希望幫我翻譯^^ 如果2個都用筆。。。
扇要來做花瓶???? 主啊......祢要報佑御醫用扇亞.....T^T"""""