andyyeung0927 發表於 2007-5-20 21:18:52

我引怪經驗一流:01: so我只係用魔背已經夠做:01: 引到又唔低防:17:

ngoichantong 發表於 2007-5-21 10:49:34

ah? no easy diied mei?

cat001 發表於 2007-5-21 11:13:27

原帖由 聽•雨•軒boss 於 2007/5/20 10:47 AM 發表
得雀頭魔背2件速裝=.=又引雁門又引5台- -超易死- -
:76: 姐姐仔..雁門五台d怪係2轉架,你得1轉,唔秒你至奇啦.升lv幾時都係打番o岩自己lv的怪係最好升架啦,因為你果個級數吸唔哂經架,升死經就有你份囉,不過都算你有良心,會o係高lv場度做引手,算係有d貢獻啦,本人就最唔欣賞d拉經手,企個人o係度吸經霸住個組d位,又唔引怪,搞到成隊升慢哂,尤其是果d靠結婚跟老公飛入高lv場的低lv人...搞到雁門成日冇位,靠關係升lv,乞人憎,自己唔努力升,又冇貢獻,又搞到個場冇位,o岩lv的人就冇位升唔到,好慘架

[ 本帖最後由 cat001 於 2007-5-21 02:36 PM 編輯 ]

ngoichantong 發表於 2007-5-21 12:59:07

yah me agredd.. all at 雁門 de ppl give slot to therer friends only de.
somemore they have slot also say full liao no want pt ppl so hate 雁門 sometime because of
this. somemore if there lurer turtle there... we go hit at behind turtle cause want lving.
they will say u ks lah or other lah like this. 雁門 place no for few ppl de right? all can use ah..
hope all lving at 雁門de can gv ppl hit also if there no pt at there..
remmeber 1 thing. 雁門no u buy de place. if u think u buy de. go make shi fu shui hu better.
if gm change married cant fly follow husband sure can fixed this no hv slot de probleum.

聽•雨•軒boss 發表於 2007-5-25 13:44:09

原帖由 cat001 於 2007-5-21 11:13 AM 發表

:76: 姐姐仔..雁門五台d怪係2轉架,你得1轉,唔秒你至奇啦.升lv幾時都係打番o岩自己lv的怪係最好升架啦,因為你果個級數吸唔哂經架,升死經就有你份囉,不過都算你有良心,會o係高lv場度做引手,算係有d貢獻 ...

P.S.d怪超9=.=我當時係藥師果陣d怪5追我= =點知1開風水....哇.....成堆怪圍我.....5知係咪樣既問題= =
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