小偷 about 47 lv 去where?
小偷 about 47 lv 去where? Plz tell me. thx. du long shan la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Do you have it in chinese?
Do you have it in chinese? 原帖由 ckyvip 於 2007/2/8 02:01 AM 發表Do you have it in chinese?
Sorry ar. hehe...:22: :28: :28: :28: :28: :28: :28:可以去石门了。
可以去石门了。:14: 是咯。。。。石门咯。。。。。:18: :18:.....
你去千里/白牙灣 去拉經 :21:YOO~
JS buy speed eq play lure at qll o dcc, ur lvl will going fast:17:!Qll mayb up 1 lvl per lure:02: (i help lure n 2 turn boom,my pt lvl 36 is up per boom.)Remember don Afk when u lvl50.Sure got ppl pk u ifu afk:19: (o lure high mos came to kill u.) GUD luck:05: .