一隻公升到11lv要大約升幾耐??:18:[ 本帖最後由 gordon225 於 2006-10-23 11:18 PM 編輯 ] that depends on how u up lv ...
I finally up my 公 to 11lv last night
use 1 month =.=:05:
I think you should think on how exp can hero up to 11lv
I think it arround ... 1k+10k+100k+200k+400k+1m+2m+3m+6m+10m+16m:09: :09: that means 40,000,000 exp :05: :05: 大約升一星期到,頭4-5lv好易升,之後就會升得巧慢:09: 你幾lv??
低lv升半年=.= sorry, calc. above is wrong:funk:
The hero i up to 11lv from 1lv use 1 month
from my lv 115lv to now 135lv....20lv----> around 24,000,000 exp
But I am not use this hero to up lv all the time, so it should be arround 20,000,000 exp 好難答你既,如果無組你又唔識屈怪,一年都升唔到。我升林沖,史進,武松,公孫勝到爆lv都係低時升既。3個月升晒咁多隻英爆lv啦;仲未計有其他幾隻英都升到7lv至10lv。 咁2~3個星期左右可升爆一隻公孫勝啦,等於你2~3個星期可由1lv升到1轉啦。:loveliness: 我以前係50lv解完英雄咭任先開始用英雄既,唔係應該仲可以升多一隻英雄啊。:10:
[ 本帖最後由 玉樹臨風 於 2006-10-25 02:12 PM 編輯 ] i use few hour to up 1 hero from lv 1 to lv 14
coz i'm lvling in ym, just lure and i get 350k exp 1 round.
1st round hero lv 5
2nd round hero lv 6 half
3rd round hero near lv 7 and after lv 7 a bit slow
lv 14 takes above 10 round to full. i get 11% per round, hero get about 9-12%
anyone wants to train hero i can help. my charges depends on hero, song wan 1-9 up in 2 hours :13: give me 2 sp egg then i train for you
qtsj lv 9 to lv 14 in 4 hours
i'm in lc server