cyeouhaur 發表於 2009-4-13 16:27:03


:28; 除了南极星还有什么能用在水浒?:28; :28;

raylray 發表於 2009-4-13 16:48:09

Start > settings > control panel > Regional and language Options 自己set

msgzeoty85 發表於 2009-4-18 21:32:25

可是如果用windows settings 来打华文字,有很多字打出来的时候会变成“?”.....以前有人教过怎样用windows settings 就打华文字的时候没问题的...但是我已近忘记怎样set了T.T...

AnsonLTL 發表於 2009-4-18 21:51:24

you can set under regional and language there in Start then settings then control panel
but i forgot need to put wat le.. but i remember is Chinese (Taiwan) cause 水浒 is traditional chinese word
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