Anyone can log in Mycnx game?
I playing Shui Hu and other's Mycnx game...suddenly all can't log in....???
I just want to check just me can't log in...or all the player can't log in too??? 我也不能够玩啊!!!!!!!!!!!:69;:69;:69; means all the player can't log in??? mycnx要倒闭了。。。。。。:P 全部人都进不到。。。。。 反正也不是第一次了....習慣就好... I just scared if just I can't log in....
My troops army will get clear by other's wolf player....
lucky all can't log in.........SOOOOOOSCARED!!!!!! :49;我也是進不到,我還以為自己電腦出問題 I also switch on and swith off few time my pc......
cause same with your confusing....... The time 9:44pm......can log in now...
all try it now.......