Speed Equipment
Hi to all again ,I notice that Member seldom post information of speed equipment to share .
So i deicde to take some time to post some photo of my speed equipment to share with all the member and the newly join member . Pls feedback if you any better equipment and share your suggestion .
Once again cheers to 希望國度 and 水滸歷險 Online
Happy reading to all members 英文好難睇.無心機睇=, 英文:22;:22;:22;:22; thank for sharing 英文既...好過癮 全部都英文 冇心機睇== 英文ser真的很难明白!!!!!!:69;很多 short form 都係d速裝ja-.-"唔係咁難明ga.... :60;他post出來都算好了...不要嫌三嫌四 good