ragon 發表於 2009-3-22 13:29:18



l0ok36 發表於 2009-3-22 13:50:33

U must have 2 pet and u feed them till at least 50% growth .
- chance then to eancess .
- put togeter in the pet smelting pot
- it will be combine to another pet ( better or lousy )
- pls do not there is much of failing .
- If u fail u will lose a pet

lch5887 發表於 2009-3-22 15:46:20


sbkeyn1125 發表於 2009-3-23 10:42:41




rooney5675 發表於 2009-3-23 11:15:49

double click pet pot then put 50% pet +50% pet

wilsiew 發表於 2009-3-23 11:35:46

when you mix merger the pet.....they have level different of pet....
may be you can visit the pet information page.....

wilsiew 發表於 2009-3-23 11:37:09

Means...you use 2 nos. level 1 pets mix can get level 2 pet.....
and 2 nos. level 2 pet....and so on....to max level is....if not mistaken is level 9

duckduck 發表於 2009-3-23 17:04:47

點解d人合到禁多寵物出來 , 得只小雞 , 福鼠 , 渠道鼠 , 水滸專門店買了蜜蜂可以合到d乜 .

林b 發表於 2009-3-23 17:51:08


ragon 發表於 2009-3-29 13:40:19

thx tell me all thing.
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