l0ok36 發表於 2009-3-15 20:37:27

Pet combine for Xuan Wu

Now i Hav a Skull general and A Wolf .how much should i feed to and wat i need to do to get Xuan Wu at the highest chance .

pls kindly comment


saxon 發表於 2009-3-15 20:54:46

:33;make the 2 pet feed untill 50% , after that mix together become 玄武pet

if 2 pet 100% more % sucess~

:70;that my suggest

l0ok36 發表於 2009-3-15 21:46:27

other then feed to 100% any other thing to up the % of success . my friend told mi to summon under average is it true tt is better to raise pet for better skill

play4fun 發表於 2009-3-16 05:32:39

at first i thought sex does matter, but i've tried female with female and it still success... so what i can say is, it's all depend on your luck, your success will cause someone else to fail, and their failure might be the reason you success.

make both pet above 70%, it should be easier for you to see xw egg

♀型♂ 發表於 2009-3-16 08:46:09


saxon 發表於 2009-3-16 11:23:11

:54;我只是提出意見, 信不信由你來決定...

:07;你在這裡說這些話, 擺明來騙帖:12;

l0ok36 發表於 2009-3-17 00:21:57

pls be relax ... i onli wan to know more and get more suggestion . Cheers K :83;.

play4fun -- till now how many u have create
how abt saxonu try b4

♀型♂ 發表於 2009-3-17 09:39:00

6# saxon

{27} 你老點人...人家飼養寵物到50%后要按 轉生才能變精元來合...你寫feed until 50% 不用轉生怎樣合

catcity 發表於 2009-3-17 17:35:17

2 pets need more than 70% wo,,need mny pet food o

play4fun 發表於 2009-3-18 04:01:12

if your general is new from egg, it will not have "finding" 搜查力 value, and 1 big pet food will increase 0.42%, if using "keep feeding" method, it increase 0.08%. if the combination fails, it will decrease, reborned general grow 0.36% for first failure, and 0.32% for second failure....

for wolf is 0.37% and 0.07%......

i manage to make only 2 xw egg, and the bad news is... failed 9 times so far
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