有那個網站或誰有朱雀林裡面的地圖啊~~~簡陋的都可以 進入地點︰朱雀林傳送點(代州道 x168,y-203) 進入地點︰朱雀林傳送點(代州道 x168,y-203)目的︰ 給予玩家打寶的地方,當中包含強勁的怪物、迷宮和解迷要素。務求令玩家除打寶之餘,還可以挑戰入面的各種難關。
進入條件︰ 2轉1或以上,玩家要進入必須組成隊伍。並且每人交出 600,000 兩銀。
# 限制時間為90分鐘。
# 如隊伍全滅,整隊人會被強制送回重生點,並需重新開始。
# 隊伍不能解散,如解散,整隊人會被強制送回重生點,並需重新開始。
# 如退出隊伍,該退出者會被強制送回重生點,並且不能再次以該隊隊員的身份進入。
# 如任何隊員在途中陣亡,可以再次進入。 In malaysia this new mission still not issue yet.....
may be after upgrade this week.....just can play it......
but important thing is how much the entry item price.........??? new zq ms out le 我舉腳贊成 , 用英文我不佢覆乜 . today Malaysia server maintainance,,,,but also did't issue 朱雀 new mission...
hard....may be wait for next week.....be patient........
now all the player sell 朱雀 equirement VERY EXPENSIVE.....!!!!
I guess this week the 朱雀 old mission is full everyday........ Actually I also agreed use and type chinese....but my pc can't type chinese...
and I also want to upgrade to 100 point......
I really need to get Shui Hu information.......that's why everyday also
say and type something in here.......
lucky now is 87 point.....I think tomorrow can visit ......hahaha.....
so happy.........!!!!! yeah mi too agree cos my cum cannot type chinese but we need the information . pls do forgive us. it not we dun wan to type in chinese is we cant . Cheers Wilsiew . When u r able to view pls share with mi the information k ma . how to share? share password? hehehe