1515 發表於 2008-4-8 18:06:30

原帖由 zex99x 於 2008-4-8 03:53 AM 發表 https://bbs.tennyy.com/images/common/back.gif
條件 : 你必須有兩架以上的電腦保持24/7的開機

條件 : 腦袋靈活(有機可乘, 隨機應變, 懂得放手, 先下手為強)
有機可乘 = 依照現在和預測未來市場的需求, 作出明智的選擇
隨機應變 = 在市場地位不保的時候懂得調 ...

:35; 騙人, 不可能...:16;

bardcool 發表於 2008-4-8 22:18:57

原帖由 zex99x 於 2008-4-8 03:53 AM 發表 https://bbs.tennyy.com/images/common/back.gif
條件 : 你必須有兩架以上的電腦保持24/7的開機

條件 : 腦袋靈活(有機可乘, 隨機應變, 懂得放手, 先下手為強)
有機可乘 = 依照現在和預測未來市場的需求, 作出明智的選擇
隨機應變 = 在市場地位不保的時候懂得調 ...




四皇爺 發表於 2008-4-9 15:14:31

:80;請問下 那我的身價是排第幾位啊???

四皇爺 發表於 2008-4-9 15:16:51


1515 發表於 2008-4-9 17:28:41

你想表達甚麼 :82;

四皇爺 發表於 2008-4-10 14:55:47


hujiawei 發表於 2008-4-10 16:32:36

:22; :22; :22; 有冇人可以比d錢我我乜都冇 (同服器林沖)

奸商 發表於 2008-4-12 07:09:06

:61; 而個post傻架:61; 成班作文甘睇到我頭暈--->:04;

ping81 發表於 2008-4-14 14:13:33

但赚得快用得更快:85; :61;

jasonho 發表於 2008-5-20 13:07:57

How to earn money, there are many ways..it is dependent on many factors also.
ie, new player or old player...how much game money you have in hand.

For a new player like me (3months)..
i got no eq, no game money and no friends playing this game..

so no choice have to buy mol points...and trade for stuff by selling:
1. Ms water
2. Dragon Ball
3. GSS Fu

for this new mission...in less than 1 hrs i got 300m of game money..

yes i did buy alot of points...and open alot of boxes myself.
but i dint start by doing ms first..

i start by selling GSS Fu..
Bardcool. 1st person in yourserver to sell is me,and i fixed the price at $10m each... within mins people buy in qtys of 5 or 10.. within an hour sold jor 30..

This is first mover advantage and other people follow suit..and take reference to my price when they started selling..

by the time people load up their stock to sell cheaper..i already stop selling and started doing my ms..

and on and off people selling 7m i also buy back,,since i need to open box myself too...
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