X-KILLER-X 發表於 2007-8-5 21:08:18

笑 话

Home:Hello,you have reached the Raymond Recidence.This is the automatic answering system.What is your name

Caller   :It's Weng Di Si

Home:Hello,Wendy She,who are you lonking for?

Caller   :I'm looking for Heng Ah Mi.(Heng Ah Mi is people name)

Home:So,you are Wendy She looking for Honda Meat.What do you want to fell him?

Caller   :You stupid Machine!You got all my words wrong!

Home:Don't worry,I will tell her that!
(End of call)

一 定 要 用 英 文 来 读 才 好 笑!!

極神 發表於 2007-8-5 21:12:31

回復 #1 X-KILLER-X 的帖子

就算英文来 读 才 好 笑都+番d中文翻譯啦:69:

X-KILLER-X 發表於 2007-8-5 21:14:32

中文翻譯 我 想 不 起 来!!!

神人豪 發表於 2007-8-6 10:23:46

聽唔明:101: :66:

SAI 發表於 2007-8-13 17:29:21

我係睇5明:97: .............../.\

cheung1868 發表於 2007-8-13 20:01:28

我睇5明d雞腸:97: :66: :07:
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